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Credit Clearance and Credit Bureau Clearance.

Clear Your Credit records and improve Credit Scores

It is time for you to get that credit score and clean credit bureau report that you justly deserve! Credit Salvage's Credit bureau Clearance program is available to only those consumers and businesses interested in improving their credit scores and are willing to dedicate the time and effort necessary to clear their credit history. The purpose of our credit clearance process is to demonstrate to prospective lenders and credit providers that you can manage your finances responsibly.

Most people don't understand that credit providers analyze credit scores, and they will only assess credit applications that fall within low-risk categories. A high-risk profile consumer with a blacklisted status will have their application declined up front.  

In addition to inspecting and examining your current debts, credit providers will also assess your ability to service existing debts. We will assist you in building a new credit profile while removing or updating old adverse accounts!


Credit Clearance

As part of our services, we handle the prompt removal of Judgements, Default listings, notices, and Trace Alerts. Visit our Credit Repair application page if you wish to apply online for credit bureau clearance.

Debt Review Removal

We attend the speedy removals of paid or unpaid Debt Counselling / Debt Review Indicators.

Credit Bureau Reports

We use Comprehensive Credit reports from all Credit bureaus to analyze your credit profile and different credit scores.

Our Credit Bureau Clearance Service plan for You

Performing investigations and analyzing the results

Performing investigations and analyzing the results

To ensure that your credit profile and score receive a thorough evaluation, we approach all the major credit bureaus in South Africa. Upon receiving the report, we proceed to discuss the action plan with you. Once the proposal is accepted and agreed upon, the credit bureau clearance or credit clearance process will begin.
Credit Clearance, credit bureau clearance and Debt Review Removal

Credit Clearance, credit bureau clearance and Debt Review Removal

Your credit report plays a major role in your ability to obtain credit. It includes buying or renting a house, finding new employment opportunities, and many other essentials. As soon as we have analyzed your credit reports with all the credit bureaus, we will ensure that all information in your credit report is accurate. We will attend to the removals and updates of any blacklisted paid adverse listings. Additionally, we investigate and remove unauthorized credit inquiries and prescription investigations.

Apply now easily Online here for our credit clearance and credit bureau clearance services.

Monitoring - We have your back for a further 6 months

Monitoring - We have your back for a further 6 months

Upon clearing your credit report with all the credit bureaus, we will monitor your profile for 6 months if you wish and assist with any future needs.


Credit Bureau Clearance Leaders Credit Salvage
Credit Bureau Clearance Client qualifies for vehicle finance
Credit Bureau Clearance Client qualifies for vehicle finance
Credit Bureau Clearance Client qualifies for vehicle finance

We have helped over 16 500 blacklisted consumers clear their credit bureau reports! Get your credit report improved as well with our help!

Credit Bureau Clearance

Removal of judgments, defaults, fraud, prescription, and retention period listings.

No matter what you have been blacklisted for, we will find a way to get you back on track!

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Debt Review Removal Services

Debt Review Removal. Let us take care of this debt review removal process for you under Sections 87(1)(a) & 88(1)(b) of the National Credit ACT. 

Easy process. Apply Below

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Enhance your Credit Scores

We can increase your credit score by analyzing, evaluating, and improving your credit profile across all five bureaus.

Boost your credit score and get the home or car you want.

Click below to apply!

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Business Credit Profile


Creditworthiness improvements for businesses.

Updates to trade references, bank codes, company history, and general information.

Boost your business's creditworthiness today. Fill out the form below.

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"Your Credit Bureau Report and Credit Score are two of the most vital aspects of your Financial Health" Erin Lowry

Benefits of using our service

Benefits of having a Clear credit record

We are here for you

Credit Salvage Debt Free businessman - Credit Clearance


PRIDE: We provide our clients with more than they expect?
RESULTS: We focus on speedy accomplishment of due tasks.
SIMPLICITY: We break down complex issues related to Credit related issues into simple logic that our clients can understand
WORLD CLASS CLIENT SUPPORT: We are always there to provide advice as and when needed
TECHNICAL KNOW-HOW: Specialists backed by appropriate qualifications

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Credit Clearance Free of Debts with Credit Salvage


  • Increased Credit Scores
  • Removal of prescribed accounts
  • You can gain access to credit again.
  • You get better interest rates.
  • Better employment opportunities.
  • Able to negotiate lower interest rates.
  • Easier to apply for property rentals
  • Free 6 months aftercare service
  • 1000's of referrals
  • Online portal where you can view progress and liaise directly with you bureau clearance specialist.
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Credit Salvage Debt Free Credit Clearance

We Are

  • Established in 2006.
  • Registered with numerous regulatory governing bodies.
  • Experienced and helped 1000's of consumers with impaired credit records.
  • Hundreds of referrals.
  • Personal attention is given to each client.
  • Free 6 months aftercare service where we monitor your credit score, assist with advice and bureau queries.
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Let us take care of your creditors

So you had financial difficulties in the past that affected your ability to honour your obligation towards creditors and these creditors hand you over to debt collecting agencies and lawyers. 

It is horrible receiving phone calls during working hours and you have to give them a commitment right there and then while everybody is listening in the office that you promise to pay a certain amount a month. Even worse is when you are exhausted and you get home from a busy day at the office and just as you are in the middle of your family supper the phone rings and guess what it's the inexperienced debt collector on the phone trying to make their target without listening to reason.

It is irritating and degrading and not to mention the unpleasant demand letters from lawyers. Unfortunately, the problem will not go away by simply ignoring it instead the problem will just get bigger and you will land up with extra interest being charged and the dreaded legal fees. In the end because of the contract that was signed years ago with all that small print you will have to pay and if it does not get paid you will possibly land up with your possessions being taken away, garnishee orders initiated against your salary or even your house being repossessed. 

Register with us, and we will help you take care of your credit bureau reports.

Once you take the first step by registering with CREDIT SALVAGE CORPORATION SA (Pty) Ltd, we will immediately contact each of your creditors. We speak with them individually and let them know that we are in the process of clearing your name of any judgments with the major credit bureaus and let them know of your interest in settling your outstanding debt with them.


Negotiating and reaching a settlement usually takes several phone calls between us, the creditor, and yourself. Throughout the program, we communicate with your lenders on your behalf, and you will no longer be dealing with burdensome phone calls and letters from these attorneys and collection firms. Per our company's mission statement, we aim to clear all blacklisted matters and help you increase credit scores in the shortest possible period. We work only for our clients, not for the benefit of the creditors. It is the first step to becoming financially secure, and debt settlement may be your best option with credit clearance.

We're confident, and our experience has shown that this Credit Clearance is the best solution for most blacklisted consumers. However, we also fully understand that our debt negotiation, credit clearance and debt review removal service are not for everyone. Let us analyze your situation to determine whether our service is appropriate for you. If our services aren't eligible for you or don't fit your requirements, we will go out and find and refer you to a company that can service your needs.

Credit Clearance step by step flow chart infographic

Credit Clearance Process


All blacklisted clients who are interested in our services will complete our application form which will include 

  • Credit bureau consent
  • Power of attorney
  • General information

With this information, we can speedily proceed with the credit bureau clearance process.

STEP 2 - Credit Checks

In order to start the Credit Clearance process, we will obtain your personal credit profiles from all the various Credit Bureaus, TransUnion ITC, Experian, Compuscan and XDS. We will also obtain your payment profile from the NLR (National Loan Register). From these records we will exactly see what to do in order to clear your name from the various credit Bureaus.

We advise you accordingly and send you your profile for your own records. We establish and report on how many listings reflects on your personal profile. We also assist in setting up of a monthly budget if needed.

During the entire process, you will be kept up to date on progress by way of our world-class progress report system. This process we aim to complete within 24 hours.

STEP 3 - Prescription investigations and dealing with creditors

On receipt of a signed power of attorney, We will be able to do a thorough credit bureau investigation and we will advise you which companies have listed you as a bad payer. At this stage, we will establish which accounts qualify for prescription. During this period we investigate all default enforcement action listings and attend to the removal of default listings where the creditor has not issued a compulsory section 129 demand letter.

Accounts that do not qualify for prescription needs to get settled. We will negotiate on your behalf for a reduced settlement amount. in cases where you unable to settle the account via a compromised settlement, we will then proceed with an affordable payment arrangement to stop any further legal action. 

Turnaround times around 7 days for settlement negotiations to be concluded. 

STEP 4 - Creditors

We contact your creditors who have blacklisted you and establish if there is an outstanding amount due.

You will be notified via a comprehensive progress report of feedback.

STEP 5 - Judgments which have been paid in full

All the listings which have been paid in full we will immediately send those creditors our legal documents for them to sign. The creditor will sign these documents and send back to us in order to apply for a rescission of judgment. Once we have received the original documents and a court file our attorneys will then apply for a court date and apply for a rescission of judgment. Because it is motion you don't need to appear in court we will do everything for you. Once the judge has gone through the necessary documents a court order will be issued to rescind the judgment. With this document which we will receive will then be forwarded to the various credit bureaux to permanently remove the listing from their database. A copy of the court order will also be forwarded to you for your records.

STEP 6 - Judgements which still has an outstanding balance

All the listings which still have an outstanding balance we can then arrange a loan facility for you to pay off these creditors. We can't proceed further until the debt in question has been paid in full. Please see our loan products for the process. Once the loan has been approved we then negotiate on your behalf a better settlement amount. Once we have received confirmation of the new settlement amount the debt will then be paid. Once the debt has been paid in full the above mentioned step (number 5) will then be followed to obtain the rescission court order. Once you have been cleared form the adverse listings we will then assist with a home loan application.

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Credit Clearance or Debt Review Removal

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Credit Salvage: Your Bridge from Burden to Breathing Easy

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